Submissions are now open for the 2025 edition. Please read the submission guidelines carefully.
All undergraduate honors students and recent alumni of member institutions are invited to submit their research or creative projects to be considered for publication in the sixth volume of Illuminate. Each submission should be original and not be published in any other regional or national honors publication.
All submissions are double-blind, peer-reviewed. A student is limited to no more than two submissions for each edition of the journal. Please note that if a student submits two pieces for consideration and both are accepted, the student will be asked to pick only one for publication.
Each submission should include a completed application, which can be found here. While identifying information should be included on the application, please remove any identifying information from the actual submission, including name, co-authors, e-mail, faculty mentor and institution. Do not include any identifying information in the file names. All text submissions should be in the form of an editable document, specifically Microsoft Word. PDF files are not acceptable.
Students are encouraged to submit works that are connected to the 2025 NRHC Conference Theme--Civic Engagement at the Crossroads. Students may read more about the theme by clicking here.

Academic Work Guidelines
The academic disciplines that are accepted include:
Business, Economics, and Technology
History, Politics, and Culture
Language, Literature, and Philosophy
Natural Sciences, Psychology, and Allied Health
Media Studies and the Arts
Social Sciences (Sociology, Anthropology, Archaeology, Geography, and Jurisprudence)
Honors Education and Practices
For further description on each of these "strands" as they relate to the 2025 NRHC Conference, please click here.
Academic papers are limited to a maximum of 5000 words, not including references. Each paper should include a synopsis or abstract, limited to a maximum of 250 words. References should be formatted in either APA or MLA style, depending on the standard for the discipline. Papers with footnotes can be considered, but please know that contributors will be required to remove and format footnotes to the Illuminate style guidelines. All submissions should be double spaced with a size 12 Times New Roman font.
Submissions must include a clear statement of purpose and will be evaluated based on content, analysis, organization, grammar, spelling and formatting.
All digital images should be submitted as .jpg or .png files with a high resolution of at least 300 dpi[AD1] . Images can be in black and white or color. For images that have been altered in Photoshop or any other program, both the original and altered image should be submitted. Images embedded in documents are not acceptable. Images must be open access if they are to be published by this journal. If authors do not own the rights to the images, they will be asked to provide hyperlinks to the original image so the journal can link to the images directly. Further for authors in the sciences that have papers with multiple formulas, tables, etc., those must be formatted as .jpgs or .pngs for publication by the author.
Please note that while for an NRHC conference, students create poster files via PowerPoint/other software or create a slideshow presentation, poster files are not eligible for submission to the journal. Only research papers, reports, theses, etc. are eligible as academic entries to the journal.
Creative Work Guidelines
The following types of creative projects can be accepted:
Short Fiction
Creative Nonfiction/Essay
Fine Art
Creative works should include a title and an artist’s statement, limited to no more than 250 words.
All digital images should be submitted as .jpg files with a high resolution of at least 300 dpi. Images can be in black and white or color. For images that have been altered in Photoshop or any other program, both the original and altered image should be submitted. Images embedded in documents are not acceptable.
Any style of poetry can be submitted.
Short fiction is limited to a maximum of 5000 words, double spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font.
Essays are limited to a maximum of 1500 words, double spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font.
Please click here to submit your work for consideration to Illuminate's 2025 edition.
The deadline for submissions to the 2025 edition is Sunday, May 18, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. EST.