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"The Painter's Bride" by Courtney Donnerstag

The Painter's Bride

Courtney Donnerstag, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania

Artist Statement: This colored pencil piece examines how the art of love may start with someone and how the practice of loving someone may alter their perception, thus differentiating between love and lust.

Lust allows one to explore every part of a person's body, yet love allows one to explore and find the beauty of a person's soul.

Lust will find you in the form of your favorite flowers you've hinted toward. The flowers in the drawing are connected to lust since it will find you guiding them towards becoming the lover you'd hope they would become. Lust will find you on your bathroom counter with makeup and hair tools frantically sprawled so they find you without a misplaced hair or blemish. It will sink your heart as you examine your body, disguising imperfections so they do not leave upon discovery.

The piece's color scheme is connected to the idea of love being everywhere. It will lift your heart with their bouquets of roses because they know how much you've loved them. It will find your natural skin radiating and hair flowing. Love will find you welcoming affection back with a warm embrace when you've shunned it. It will meet your imperfections with purpose and sit with them until you've found them perfect.


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